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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A little down time...

Harvest has concluded and my husband is a much happier person these days. He's even laughing again. I forgot how much I missed his random and sometimes twisted personality. But no worries...its back!

However just because harvest is over, does not mean our lives slow way down. Quite the contrary. Okay truth be told maybe Jake slows down but his wife (that's me!) is still going 100 miles an hour. And yes this frustrates Jake but he knows that I love it and I am really trying to create a balance between work, my volunteer obligations and spending lots of quality time with my him.

This last weekend brought some of that much needed quality and quiet time. After a week of contemplating heading up to Lake Almanor for the weekend, we finally elected to head out early on Saturday for a quick getaway.

Good friends of ours, Amy and Stacy Gore had invited us to join them on a weekend camping adventure as they too were looking to escape after a lengthy harvest. As I mentioned before we wanted to go but could think of the millions of things that we really needed to do at the house over the weekend. You should see the grass. We are going to need a small herd of goats or a harvester soon!

So how cute is my husband pushing little Jonathon Patrick Gore. I think I can see him pushing a stroller for us someday. And by the way, no time soon, but someday we too will have a stroller to push.

Is he the cutest kid or what! Obviously takes after his mommy Amy.

We should of headed out Friday night but I got home to late and we had not packed a thing. But on Saturday Jake packed some food and adult beverages. I packed some clothes and jackets and we headed North.

We arrived at the campsite and spent the rest of the day enjoying the company of our great friends, playing a fun board game (Wineopoly - we highly recommend it) and barbecued an assortment of tri-tip and sausage for dining on. Of course if you travel with Jake and I you will know that we are never with out food. The ice chest had a selection of cheeses, crackers, salsa, and chips. We were not going hungry.

Jake and I do not have the snazzy travel trailer that Amy and Stacy do for camping in. However we are very fortunate to have our great friends Tim and Judy Merrill who gave us the keys to their cabin in Lake Almanor. After our evening by the campfire we headed to the cabin.
On Sunday morning, we slept in because it was so quiet. I lounged on the couch as Jake went to go and get a Sunday paper. After leisurely reading through that, we gathered our things and headed back to big Chico. Along the way we stopped to appreciate a few of the sites. A tree just bursting with the colors of fall and a cute buck looking for some food. And he even posed for this picture.

It was nice to get away even if it was overnight. Now its back to work. ~mrs. c

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Better than I expected - I guess?

It's no secret that I record Oprah on my DVR everyday. I don't watch all the shows; I pick and choose if I am interested in a topic - fashion, new movie or gadgets maybe. But today she addressed Proposition 2. Working in agriculture my email inbox has been pumped with emails describing what I was gong to see on the show, who said what and a few message points just in case the media called for comment.

So I took up residence on the couch this evening and watched the back and forth dialogue (commercial free of course) of Wayne from the Humane Society, the organization behind Prop 2 and a pretty good mix of farmers and ranchers who speak like me. Sure Wayne was polished and slick but I commend the men and women of the farms represented for their honest opinions.

And Kudos to Oprah kinda. I was really worried about the show considering what she did to the beef industry a few years back. However she did tell everyone to make their own decision. Better yet, she pointed out what opponents (that's me and hopefully you) have been saying about this poorly written initiative - what about the economics? In this economy, can folks in California afford to feed their families free range eggs? And lets not forget, California's farmers will be put out of business because they won't be able to compete with imports from neighboring states and countries that don't have the same restrictions.

I could write on this topic and create pages of blog dialogue but I won't today. I'll just say this. I believe in what California and American farmers do everyday - feed the world. Prop 2 will take that away. Thanks for reading. ~mrs. c

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Where has the time gone?

Sunday made three months for Jake and I. He thinks I am a nut for reminding him each month that another 30 or 31 days have passed since we were married. In fact his favorite comment is, "seems like it has been 50." Ha Ha. Nonetheless it has been busy. Probably why I have not updated the blog. I have great intentions. I have even taken some pictures but as luck would have it, I am at the office and the camera is at home. Maybe I will get pictures up tomorrow. You are probably thinking, "at the office updating her blog and not working?" Well yes but I needed a break from the 22 page Agricultural Enhancement Report I am reading to prepare for the next meeting on the County's General Plan Update. Let me tell you, this is riveting stuff!

Jake is up to his eyeballs in walnut harvest. Lucky for him, we got a little rain over the weekend. While he thought this was an inconvenience (and it was) that slowed him down, it forced him to take a break and spend sometime on the couch napping on Sunday. He's grouchy when he does not have enough sleep. And they say women need their beauty sleep.

That is about it for now. Enjoy the sun and the cooler temps. And thanks for reading! ~mrs. c