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Monday, December 28, 2009

I think we're ready?

I hate to even admit it because odds are it will come back to haunt me but I think we are ready. Ready to bring a baby into the world that is. We are officially counting down to our due date - January 9, 2010.

The nursery is done. The car seat is installed. The baby monitor is charged. Sure we still have so many questions and concerns and I am certain that once we have that bundle of joy in our arms, we will have even more questions but in the end, God will never give us more than we can handle. We are certain of this. And the best part about about getting to bring this child into the world is I get to do this with my best friend - Jake.

While I have been a little lax (okay really bad) at being consistent at updating our blog, please stay tuned as I promise - I will update this page when the baby is born. Stay tuned - the best is yet to come!~mrs.c