Thursday, August 23, 2012

A day full of blessings

August 12 was a special day for Baby D. He may not realize how incredible of a day it was but we know and that's all that matters. Our closest family and friends gathered to help us welcome Baby D in the Catholic Church with a traditional baptism.

Baby D was dressed in the customary white outfit. I think it was pretty special too because I picked out the fabric and sewed it myself. Big Bro had a beautiful white outfit for his baptism two years ago that his Ava Aguiar bought for him. I had hoped that Baby D would wear the same thing but who would have thought that the kid would outgrow it before he had a chance to wear it? That's okay because I had fun sewing it. Who knows you might see future sewing projects soon.

Here a few pictures of the day.

As we did with his Big Bro, we wanted to select God Parents for Baby D that would provide and guide him with the same values that Jake and I will and do so as part of the Catholic faith.
Baby D's God Parents are very good friends of ours, Rachel McGowan and Tom Harris. They are an important part of our extended family and they love our boys like we do.

Our new Priest at Our Divine Savior, Father Siva did a beautiful job. Baby D never cried and was even happy when Father introduced him to the Church.

 I wanted to get a family picture on this day but its almost impossible to get Big Bro in a picture these days. As you can see he was there and I caught him on the run in church.

Rachel, Tom and Baby D.

Rachel, Tom, Baby D and Jake and I.

"Hey Mom, aren't I cute!"

Thanks for reading! ~mrs c.

1 comment:

  1. What a special day indeed! So sorry we missed it :( .
    Oh, and for the record... I think Rachel & Tom make a cute couple as well.
    Thanks for sharing



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