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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

New Annual Memories

While Jake and I don't have school aged kiddos just yet, we have lots of friends who do including the Gore's whose eldest son and our godchild Jonathon took the big leap this week to Kindergarten. Before he could do this however, we had to do a little camping together.

We hooked up the trailers, loaded the ice chests and headed for cooler weather. Westport in Mendocino County was our final destination. I would love to show you all the great photos detailing our awesome long weekend but I was without my camera most of the time. Why you ask? I just forgot to take it out of the trailer each time we went to the beach. And since there was no phone service, I didn't even carry the phone camera with me either. An epic fail! However Jake has a bunch of photos of the kids at the beach on his phone and Amy did carry her camera along so I know there is more.

I did manage to get a picture of our campsite before Jake put everything away. The boys loved having room to run around. There was a playground too in this great RV Park and Campground. Look it up. I know we will be back.

The other photo I did take is below. I managed to pull the camera out before we left to capture a picture of the whole crew. Thanks to the timer on the camera and the spare tire on the trailer that I used as a tripod, we have this picture.

If you ask me, this was the most important picture I could capture. The one we will use to compare year after year about how we have changed and how the kids have grown. After four days of fun, friends, barbecue, 4pm happy hour and ocean breezes, everyone was still smiling and already talking about next year. Until then its back to school and preparing for Harvest 2013.

Thanks Stacy, Amy, Jonathon and Lorene! We had a great time and can't wait till next year!

Thanks for reading. ~mrs.c

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Happy, Happy, Happy Walnut Trees!

It was way back in March that I wrote about Jake and I moving forward with our "Plan"and getting our piece of dirt planted with walnut trees. You can read about it here if you missed it. Fast forward five months and look at these trees. Gorgeous!

Here is what they looked like on February 27, the day they went into the ground. 

And here is what they look like today! 

As you can see, sunshine, water and nurturing by my favorite farmer, Jake Cecil have proven to be a great recipe for growing beautiful trees. Just like growing kids, they must have a good foundation. 

The weeds seem to like the attention the trees are getting too. 

Here is my attempt at catching the sprinklers at work. These sprinklers emit a very light dusting of water over a 24 hour period once a week during the summer months. The method of irrigation is very efficient in providing to the trees and in conserving water. We had planned to use flood irrigation for a few years which is not the most efficient type of irrigation but it is what was available to us at the time and was just a short term solution. However, after some discussions and a review of the finances, we determined our money was going to be better spent upfront making the investment into a sprinkler system and digging a new well. I think the trees appreciate the decision. 

And what is a blog post without a picture of my favorite farmer and his protegees? 

Thanks for reading! ~mrs. c